Piatok, 26.04.2024

Informácia o vyhlásení volieb kandidáta na obsadenia funkcie dekana FZV UCM

Na základe uznesenia Akademického  senátu UCM , č. 04/2024 zo dňa 17.4. 2024, ktorý ako orgán akademickej samosprávy UCM dočasne prebral pôsobnosť Akademického senátu FZV UCM v zmysle § 6 ods. 10 a 11 Štatútu UCM, stanovuje sa termín voľby dekana FZV UCM, v súlade s § 3 a 4 Zásad voľby kandidáta na dekana fakulty a prijatia návrhu na odvolanie dekana fakulty UCM na 11. júna 2024 o 14.00 h. Voľby sa budú konať,  v zmysle tohto uznesenia AS UCM, v budove FZV UCM, Rázusova 14 v Piešťanoch o 14.00.

prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Kresánek, predseda AS FZV UCM

Information on the announcement of the election of a candidate for the position of dean of FZV UCM.

Based on the resolution of the Academic Senate of UCM no  04/2024 dated 17.4. 2024, which as a body that temporarily took over the scope of the Academic Senate of the FZV UCM in accordance with § 6 par. 10 and 11 of the UCM Statute, established the date of the election of the dean and acceptance of the proposal to recall the dean of the FZV UCM faculty on 11 June 2024 at 2 pm, in accordance with § 3 and 4 of the Principles for the election of a candidate for dean of the faculty . Elections will be held in accordance with this resolution of Academic Senate of UCM, in the FZV UCM building, Rázusova 14 in Piešťany at 2 p.m.

                                                                                             prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Kresánek, chairman of AS FZV UCM

Vložil:  Andrea Pristachová